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Event Operations Team

You will have one main point of contact and assisting team members from each of the below divisions will assist with your event.

3.1 Event Coordinator

An Event Coordinator will be assigned to your event once the event has an executed contract. Your Event Coordinator will be available to assist you throughout the planning process and make the transition from event planning to show implementation as smooth as possible. Throughout your planning process, if you ever hesitate about which PEC team member to direct your questions to- you may always default to your Event Coordinator.

3.2 Utilities Coordinator

A Utility Coordinator will be assigned to your event to assist with securing any electricity, water, drainage, telephone and internet IT services.

An IT manager will be assigned to your event if your event requires advanced/customized IT services.

3.3 Security Coordinator

A Security Coordinator will be assigned to your event to determine your event security needs and assist in securing event staff, LPO’s, EMS services and any additional safety/ security needs.

3.4 ACCD/Levy Catering Manager

A catering manager will be assigned to your event to assist with all F&B needs. From catered lunches, to concession stands and everything in between.

3.5 More

In addition to the above, you may see the following coordinators during your move-in and move-out of the Austin Convention Center. Please go through your assigned Event Coordinator for questions or to be put in contact with any of the below: