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8.1 General Guidelines

ACCD Catering by Levy is the preferred food and beverage provider at the Palmer Events Center. No outside food and beverage may be brought in, consumed, or sold at the Palmer Events Center at any time without the written approval of ACCD Catering by Levy. Levy reserves the right to charge Licensee a non-compliance fee related to consistent incidents involving the provision of unauthorized outside food and beverage. All arrangements related to food and beverage must be contracted directly with ACCD Catering by Levy.  This includes, but not limited to, Catering, Retail Concessions, Sampling, Demonstrations and Sponsorships.

8.2 Outside Catering

A twenty (20%) catering fee is assessed on the net value of any food and beverage provided by an entity other than the in-house food and beverage provider. The fee is based on the assessed retail value or comparable services in a convention center or like facility. The entity providing the food must enter into an outside caterer’s agreement and comply with the terms therein.

8.3 Concession Services

Inside the exhibit halls are two built-in concession stands, Portable Concessions and bar areas are available; therefore please contact your catering manager for location options and power requirements.

8.4 Concession Space Requirements

ACCD Catering requires a thirty by thirty foot (30’ x 30’) concession area. This space is for the equipment only; additional space is needed for seating and queuing lines. Exhibit floor plans must indicate the thirty by thirty foot (30’ x 30’) areas for concession equipment. PEC built-in concession locations may not be blocked at any time.

8.5 Catering Services

Menus are customized by the Executive Chef to provide events creative, varied listings. These offerings are meticulously chosen to fit the event type and service style to provide a delicious one-of-a-kind experience. In creating this experience, event planner recommendations, available space and guest counts are strongly taken into consideration. 

Download Catering Menu

Booth Catering Menu

8.6 Tables for Catering

PEC provides tables for all catered functions at no charge to the Licensee. Linens are provided by ACCD Catering based on rounds of 10. Additional fees will apply for linens to cover additional tables.

8.7 Catering Changeovers

Changeovers to catering functions are not subject to labor or re-set fees. Labor fees are waived for rooms being changed to a catering function. Please note that labor/changeover fees will be assessed for rooms being changed from catered to non-catered function. For example, moving from banquet lunch to theater without catering.

8.8 Set Up Time

Outside of “working” meals and all day catering refreshes, ACCD Catering does request a 2 hour set up window for large catered events. If the set up time is less than 2 hours, please discuss with your catering representative. Additional labor fees may apply.

8.9 Food Vendors/Sampling

PEC retains the exclusive right to provide, control and retain all food and beverage services for events.  The Client/Show Manager is responsible for informing exhibitors of all the sample size food and beverage requirements and is also responsible for obtaining all health permits required for food and beverage sampling.  Written authorization is required for distribution of sample size food and/or beverage products.  A sampling program shall be approved based on the following conditions:

Download Sampling Policy

8.10 Permits

A food permit from the City of Austin Health Department is required to be obtain and displayed in each location providing food and beverage samples. Exhibitors must comply with all rules and regulations outlined by the permit. The Client/Show Manager is responsible for obtaining all health permits a minimum of 10 business days prior to arrival. Client/Show Manager is strongly encouraged to reach out to the City of Austin Public Health to develop a partnership that results in open, two-way communication throughout the pre-planning process.

More permitting information & forms can be found in our Operational Policy